Filip Smolík, Ph.D.

- Senior Researcher, Institute of Psychology, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Associate Professor, Charles University, Prague
Contact Info
Biography —
Filip joined CDLP on Fulbright scholarship in 2001. He graduated from the program in 2006 and returned to Prague, where he has been doing research and teaching. He works on a range of topics but has special interest in the development of grammatical knowledge and early use of grammar in comprehension. His main research areas are:
• early comprehension of grammatical case, gender and number, their morphological marking and interactions with word order
• effects of word imageability and other word-level variables at the acquisition and processing of lexicon and morphology
• social understanding, false belief, and person reference in language (pronouns, person inflections)
• grammatical markers of language impairment (especially in Czech)
• relations between language knowledge and working memory (in the stentence imitation task)
• development of assessment tools (CDI, original test methods in Czech)
He has served as an editor and associate editor in the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, and is currently an associate editor in Applied Psycholinguistics. He is a member of the executive board of the International Association for the Study of Child Language.
Selected Publications —
Jarůšková, L., Smolík, F., Chládková, K., Oceláková, Z., & Paillereau, N. (2023). How to Build a Communicative Development Inventory: Insights From 43 Adaptations. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 1-23 (online first).
Smolík, F., Bláhová, V. (2022). Here come the nouns: Czech two-year-olds use verb number endings to predict sentence subjects. Cognition 219, 104964.
Smolík, F., Chromá, A. (2022). About me, you and her: Personal pronouns are developmentally preceded by mental state language. Journal of Child Language, 50(3), 537-554.
Smolík, F. (2019). Imageability and neighborhood density facilitate the age of word acquisition in czech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(5), 1403-1415.
Smolík, F., & Bláhová, V. (2019). Czech 23-month-olds use gender agreement to anticipate upcoming nouns. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 178, 251-265
Smolík, F. (2014). Noun imageability facilitates the acquisition of plurals: survival analysis of plural emergence in children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 43, 335-350.