Michael Vitevitch

- Investigator, Child Language Doctoral Program
- Director, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences & Disorders
Contact Info
1415 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045-7594
Research —
Most people know, or have stored in memory, approximately 20,000-30,000 words. If you have ever tried to look through 20,000 things for the one object you are looking for you know that it can take some time. Yet when we speak, or are spoken to, the words we are looking for seem to be found instantaneously.
My research employs several research methodologies including analyses of speech errors, experimental tasks, and computational models to examine how information pertaining to words is stored in memory and how the organization of those words in memory enables us to access that information so quickly and accurately. More precisely, I study the nature and organization of lexical representations and the processes used to retrieve information from the mental lexicon during speech production and speech perception (or spoken word recognition).
My work is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH-NIDCD R01 DC 006472).
Research Interests
- Speech Perception
- Speech Production
- Auditory Change Detection
- Language Across the Lifespan
- Language Acquisition
- Second Language Processing
- Network Science
Teaching —
- Introductory Psychology
- General Psychology
- Statistics
- Network Science
- Artificial Neural Networks
Selected Publications —
Mullin, H.A.C., Norkey, E.A. Kodwani, A., Vitevitch, M.S. & Castro, N. (2021). Does age affect perception of the speech-to-song illusion? PLoS ONE, 16(4): e0250042.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2021). What can network science tell us about phonology and language processing? topiCS in Cognitive Science.
Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2020). An investigation of network growth principles in the phonological language network. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 2376-2394. [PDF version]
Vitevitch, M.S. (2019). Network Science in Cognitive Psychology. (Edited volume) Routledge.
Aljasser, F. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2018). A web-based interface to calculate phonotactic probability for words and nonwords in Modern Standard Arabic. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 313-322.